Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Post

I'm new to this, I won't lie. I have done the blogging thing before as a teen but this is different! Let me start off slow and simple.

My name is Elise and I am the proud mother of twin 17 month old twins (born February 2009). They are my first children and have been a surprise since the day I found out I was having a two for one! My husband and I were shocked as twins are nowhere in my family and absent in his own. Just call it luck! One of that 3% chance, I guess. Every day has been a new adventure, even when still pregnant. I was considered high risk due to a multiple gestation but also because at the end, I was in and out the hospital with pre-term labor. Mandatory bed rest killed me with boredom but all worth it! At 36 weeks, my boys were born: Dante at 4 lbs 8 oz at 4:28 PM and Demetri at 4 bs 11 oz at 4:30 PM. I had to have a medically necessary c-section and we were in the hospital for a week before being able to go home.

This first year has been an eventful crash course for us! I am now a stay-at-home mom when I used to work before the boys were born. I took this opportunity to return to school online and finish my degree. My husband works way too much if you ask me but he dotes on the boys when home. Our lives transformed for the better and I love it. My husband used to be a DJ full-time and may return to it. I used to model, bartend, and was an executive administrative assistant. All of that...probably won't return to! Although, I do still do a shoot here and there if my schedule permits.

This blog is for me an outlet. I love to talk about the boys and everything they do, always something new each day. I love to give advice to other moms and share things I find. I like to share articles, merchandise I am trying, sales, etc. I also like to ask advice of others and just need to vent at times. I'm a little all over the place at times but what can you expect?! I love to share photos and videos. Just for fun.

So if anyone reads, thank you! If not, I still get the pleasure of talking to myself freely without the weird looks :)


  1. Hey Elise It's Joe who used to live down the block from ya. Awesome blog. You can follow mine as well. Its

  2. Hi Joe! From Richmond Hill?? It's a blur lol I will definitely follow. Thanks for following my blog!! :)
